Create FREE Icons in Canva for Your Website (Tutorial)

FlaticonoffersawidecatalogueoffreeiconsinPNGformat.Wealsooffericonsinotherformats,butinordertodownloadthoseformats,apremium ...,Ifyouneedourresourcesforpersonaluse(nottosell),itisallowedtousethemasthemainelementsofthefinaldesignyouincludeinyourpr...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Is Flaticon for free?

Flaticon offers a wide catalogue of free icons in PNG format. We also offer icons in other formats, but in order to download those formats, a premium ...

Personal use

If you need our resources for personal use (not to sell), it is allowed to use them as the main elements of the final design you include in your products.

What are Flaticon Premium licenses?

Flaticon has its own licenses for the icons available on the site, and these allow you to use Flaticon content without having to credit the author, ...

How to download Freepik and Flaticon licenses?

Download licenses from Flaticon · If you download an icon individually, you need to get the licence from the “Downloads” tab of your account, as shown below:.

Flaticon terms of use

License Agreement for Flaticon Content. The Company authorizes the User to download and use the Flaticon Content solely in accordance with this Section (see ...

License Icons & Symbols

Download your collections in the code format compatible with all browsers, and use icons on your website.

Merchandising License | Personalize any physical or ...

Customize your physical or electronical formats and merchandise by using our icons in them thanks to extending the possibilities of our license.

[PDF] License Certificate

This license allows you to use for free any of Flaticon contents for your projects as long as they are attributed to their author in the definitive project. How ...

How does a site like flaticon know if a website has used their icons ...

Flaticon is a site where you have to buy a monthly membership to access all their icons. You can still download them for free but if you do you will have to ...

Flaticon Basic License.

Flaticon Basic License. · PNG SVG PSD EPS MORE · Business, Money, Cash, pound, investment, banking, payment method, Pound · PNG SVG PSD EPS MORE · PNG SVG PSD ...


FlaticonoffersawidecatalogueoffreeiconsinPNGformat.Wealsooffericonsinotherformats,butinordertodownloadthoseformats,apremium ...,Ifyouneedourresourcesforpersonaluse(nottosell),itisallowedtousethemasthemainelementsofthefinaldesignyouincludeinyourproducts.,Flaticonhasitsownlicensesfortheiconsavailableonthesite,andtheseallowyoutouseFlaticoncontentwithouthavingtocredittheauthor, ...,Downloadlicense...